Jess Prewitt

Jess Prewitt

Owner, CrossFit Coach (CF-L2)


About Coach

My husband and I tried a free trial at CrossFit South Brooklyn in 2015 when we first moved to Brooklyn and we were hooked! We were consistent 6am-ers in our early days and have participated in every CrossFit Open since from CFSBK to CFNYC to CFDC. We had run several Spartan Races prior and I think that primed us for the adult playground that CrossFit is.

Early in my CrossFit adventures, I realized that being at the gym was one of the favorite parts of my day. I chatted with a few coaches about how they ended up coaching and was inspired to take my L1 and apply for coaching mentor program at CrossFit NYC. At first I thought I would just coach part-time to scratch that itch, but ended up spending more and more time at the gym and took on as many classes as my schedule would allow. After a year of coaching, I completed my L2 and when the opportunity to make CrossFit my full time gig, I didn't hesitate.

Through CrossFit I've met some of the best people and made amazing friends. I love that it's fitness gamified and that after nearly 8 years, I'm still having a blast. It's rewarding to have accomplished so many fitness goals over the years and that has given me the drive and confidence to set and work towards new ones.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion