

CrossFit Coach (L1)

About Me

Favorite thing about CrossFit:
My favorite thing about CrossFit is the community. Every day we get to surround ourselves with like minded individuals who push us to be the best versions of ourselves.

Favorite movement(s) or workout(s):
I am a sucker for long grueling chipper style workouts. I love Murph so that gives you an idea. Also a big fan of all the gymnastic elements. Put me in the pain cave coach!

Favorite things to do outside of the gym:
I really enjoy traveling to new places, experiencing new food, cultures, etc. I just discovered scuba diving and am a big fan. Although any time I can be in the mountains is when I am at my happiest.

How did you first get into CrossFit?
I was first introduced to CrossFit in 2009 by a close friend. He'd program tire flips, hay bail carries, etc. on a ranch back home in MT, but I ultimately feel out of it in college. Got serious again in 2017 and haven't looked back.

Why did you decide to become a CrossFit coach?
I enjoy coaching because I love helping people realize their full potential. We're all capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for, as long as we're willing to put in the work. Seeing that lightbulb moment in a member's eyes when they hit a goal is everything.