

CrossFit Coach (L1)

About Me

Favorite thing about CrossFit:
I love the diversity within CrossFit. I’m motivated by the diversity of movements that ensures there’s always something to improve upon. I cherish the diversity of the people that make our community so vibrant and unique.

Favorite movement(s) or workout(s):
Handstand Walking and Muscle Ups. I want to be a gymnast when I grow up.

Favorite things to do outside of the gym:
Biking, Dancing, and Video Games

How did you first get into CrossFit?
Truth is an ex-boyfriend convinced me to drop in at his CrossFit box. I was immediately hooked. I had only ever ran and lifted casually at a place called “Fitness 4 Less”. I found it was really easy to walk in to the gym, not feel up for the workout, and leave early without accomplishing much. The camaraderie of the CrossFit community and having dedicated coaches motivated me to give it my all every day. I couldn’t imagine doing fitness any other way!

Why did you decide to become a CrossFit coach?
Before moving to DC, I taught High School where I experienced the pure joy that comes from watching my students grow more confident in their abilities. I’ve witnessed our coaches at CFDC regularly experience that same joy. My desire to help our athletes develop their skills coupled with my personal passion for the sport inspired me to become a coach.